
How to get a Master in Performance

Today I want to share with you one of the strongest leadership concepts I’ve ever come across. I learned it from one of my fellow leadership coaches Walter Aguilar, who works with sports athletes on mental performance and I have used this concept in all the coaching I’ve done since. It is called the “Performance Equation” and for me this concept captures the essence of leadership.


The performance equation tells us that in whatever role we are, in whatever we do, the way we show up and the way we perform depends on two things.

First, it depends on our potential, which is our ability to be present in the moment, so that we can use all our skills and talents and tap into our maximum creativity and intuition to make conscious decisions.

Interferences are our responses to stress, whether these are thoughts from the past or thoughts about the future that are using our energy and therefore negatively impact our performance. Interferences can thus block the skills, talents, creativity and intuition, that leaders need to perform optimally, regardless of the situation or crisis.

Let me tell you what often happened back in the day when I was a consultant. I was regularly invited to give a presentation to senior management and of course I wanted to perform well. When I entered the boardroom, I was always 100% prepared. But I couldn’t stop the many thoughts that went through my mind; I suddenly remembered that one presentation I messed up years ago. I was wondering if they could tell I was nervous. I noticed one of the board member frowned and I was sure he didn’t like me and would never believe me, whatever I had to say. In fact, they were all about to find out that I was an imposter and I just didn’t have what it takes to be successful in this business.

The way we ‘perform’ is influenced by the thoughts that go through our head. All of these thoughts are energy drainers and they keep us from focussing 100% on performing to the best of our ability. So how can we avoid thinking these thoughts and instead be fully present and confident with the challenge ahead?

When we start working with the Performance Equation, we first look at the interferences. What helps is to become aware of which thoughts, assumptions, beliefs and other distractions are playing tricks on you. What stories are you telling yourself and, more importantly, how true are these stories? What affects your performance mentally or emotionally? What external factors are bothering you while you are trying to focus? You can start by writing down all of these thoughts, beliefs and assumptions and by becoming aware of what interferences are at play, you can tackle, control or even eliminate them, so they no longer distract you and you are more in control. This is not an easy quick fix, but requires practise, consistency and time. Work with someone who can hold up that mirror and give you honest feedback.

Then, following the logic of the Performance Equation, we start working on knowing and further increasing your potential. You can start discover what works best for you and thus develop your unique formula for success. Again, you will have to be open to taking a good and honest look at yourself and how you show up in life. Under what circumstances do you perform 100%, how do you train your mind and use it effectively? What are some of the practises you can integrate in your daily routines that help you stay focused and raise your awareness? You can start by keeping a journal about the activities you undertake to achieve your goals; which steps in the process went well for you and how can you learn from the moments that did not go as planned? What is your decision making process? What principles can help you keep your mind clear, help you cope when times are tough and give you the confidence that you will succeed?

I’m a big fan of the Performance Equation, because I have seen it work time and time again. By becoming aware of and working on mastering the individual elements of the Performance Equation, leaders can perform at their best in business, sports and life.

Let’s connect here if you would like to discuss how to apply this concept in YOUR life. To get more Soul Supply hand delivered to your inbox, please feel free to sign up here.

Executive Coach, Author, Speaker

Liesbeth van der Linden is a global executive coach and Amazon bestselling author who works with multinational companies to help leaders succeed. She has collaborated with major corporations like The Coca-Cola Company and PwC to improve leadership in multicultural teams. Based in Dubai and Hong Kong, she empowers senior leaders to lead successful, fulfilling lives.

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