
You can only ACT where you are now.

When I work with leaders to optimize their PERFORMANCE, one thing we practice is getting rid of ‘distractions’.

High performance can only happen when you are 100% focused on what you are doing NOW.

The things that people say most often distract them are: “MY OWN THOUGHTS.” “I get into my head.” “I worry about things” (future thinking), or “I should have done things differently” (past thinking). “I just have too many things on my mind.”

Your performance will suffer by keeping all these ‘browsers open’. Our brains are not made to function like this. Only ONE person can stop the distraction, and that is YOU. You are in control of that.

You are the GATEKEEPER of your mind.

Allowing in future or past thoughts blurs your focus and reduces your performance.

You cannot ACT on things that are in the future. You cannot ACT on things that are in the past. You can only ACT in this very moment. Focusing on anything else is wasted energy. Energy that could have more effectively been put to your PERFORMANCE right now.

Practice being aware of your ‘distractions’. Notice them, acknowledge them and DECIDE that they are of no use to you right now. Then LET THEM GO.

Do this daily and experience the NOISE disappearing.

Let’s Lead!


Executive Coach, Author, Speaker

Liesbeth van der Linden is a global executive coach and Amazon bestselling author who works with multinational companies to help leaders succeed. She has collaborated with major corporations like The Coca-Cola Company and PwC to improve leadership in multicultural teams. Based in Dubai and Hong Kong, she empowers senior leaders to lead successful, fulfilling lives.

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