
Thinking About Becoming A Conscious Leader? This is how to start!

Lately there has been a growing interest in the idea of Conscious Leadership and more focus on Conscious Companies, led by people looking at different ways to live and run their business.

And I get it. So much is happening in our world right now: we see the damage done to our planet’s fauna and flora, the increased civil unrest, the pandemic. There are so many disturbing events, that there is a growing awareness among more and more people and companies that something is going to have to change. If you weren’t entirely convinced before 2020, with everything that is happening, today I hear people say “if not now, then when?”

So what is “Conscious Leadership”? It seems difficult to capture into one sentence, but the description that I resonated with the most was that of Melissa Dawn:

“Conscious Leadership focuses on people, inspiring and drawing out the best in others as a path to organizational success. Instead of putting profit and/or organizational objectives at the center, this style of leadership focuses on growing and empowering the people behind the profit. The idea is that the better your people are, the better they will perform within the organization, and the greater success the organization can achieve.”

Even larger organisations realise the need to change course, for more than 1 reason. On the one hand, we see that traditional ways of running (or surviving) businesses by cutting costs and continuously looking for cheaper ways to produce to increase profits, just don’t work anymore.

On the other hand, we see that people in companies also want something different. They no longer want to come to work every day in exchange for a monthly pay check; they want to spend their time on something that serves a purpose, that gives them a sense of accomplishment, that they contribute to a better world. 88% of millennials[1] feel their job is more fulfilling when they have the opportunity to make a positive impact. What they are looking for are also leaders who are more purpose driven.

How do I become a conscious leader?

If you manage a team, lead a company or run your own business and you would be interested in becoming more conscious in your leadership, what would such a ‘change’ look like and where do you start? How can you become that leader who engages people, who can build a team and a culture that is more connected, more mindful and conscious, a leader who is focussed on sustainability AND a healthy bottom-line?

The thought of how to do that can be daunting. And that makes total sense, because conscious leadership may seem so different from your current work style, so it must be a lot of hard work. The truth is, we can ALL become a conscious leader – it can be developed, and the process is a lifechanging, incredibly interesting, a rewarding and powerful experience.

The obvious place to start is with ourselves, in the way we think. It requires a mind shift: moving away from looking at leadership as something we DO; achieve goals, goals goals. The shift is all about building a culture in which people want to BE.

Although ultimately the focus will be on the team and the people, the essence of becoming more conscious is knowing yourself: What is my purpose, what are my values, my thoughts and beliefs about the world?

This is often not immediately clear and obvious for everyone and requires reflection and support by a coach or someone who is 100% open and honest with you and can hold up mirrors and give you feedback. Who are you truly and authentically, under the layers of the past; your assumptions, your fears, your experiences that shaped your beliefs that may limit you in order to keep you ‘safe’ and cover your true self? The great thing is, all the traits and qualities to become a powerful and conscious leader are already there, we just have to reveal them and reconnect to them. This is the part that is most transformative and freeing. An experience that has been described as ‘a weight being lifted off my shoulders’.

After this first step of becoming more aware and uncovering who we truly are at our core and feeling more connected to our values and our purpose, that is when we are empowered to engage and lead others in the organisation. The personal development work to become a Conscious Leader is a growth path that may be shorter for some than for others, but it is the foundation for creating a different and more connected culture, thinking of sustainable solutions that align the interest of all stakeholders while remaining committed to our values for building our conscious business.

[1] 2016 Cone Communications Millennial Employee Engagement Study


Executive Coach, Author, Speaker

Liesbeth van der Linden is a global executive coach and Amazon bestselling author who works with multinational companies to help leaders succeed. She has collaborated with major corporations like The Coca-Cola Company and PwC to improve leadership in multicultural teams. Based in Dubai and Hong Kong, she empowers senior leaders to lead successful, fulfilling lives.

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