
Uncover the Masterpiece

I’ve played small for most of my life.

I was a very shy girl.

Actually, I’ve been afraid to speak up for years.

I remember the many times the teacher at school asked the class a question. I knew the answer right away but I would first second-guess myself, formulated the words of what I intended to say in my head and by the time I was ready to raise my hand, someone else had already given the correct answer. It was the same answer that I had in mind.

Yesterday I spoke to a client who came to the session to get help prioritizing the many things she wanted to do to grow her business. This kind of surprised me, as she is usually great at time management, so I figured something else was going on. And there was…

The vision of where she wanted to go with her company was crystal clear.

She knows and I know, that she is more than capable and willing to take her business to the next level.

In theory, nothing prevents her from making her vision a reality, yet she is:

Spending time cleaning up her inbox, optimizing her website, reading management books, browsing through social media, calling her friend for a chat, watching YouTube videos about ‘how to grow your business’ or similar topics.

She is HIDING. Waiting for the right time to take action. THERE’S NEVER A RIGHT TIME.

She has everything going for her, a brilliant mind, she’s super creative, great at what she does and has all the family support and financial resources she needs, AND

She is AFRAID of being SEEN, fearful of being JUDGED, so she’s hiding to stay SAFE, COMFORTABLE where she is, but all the while she is feeling FRUSTRATED and STUCK.

How is it that even when we have EVERYTHING it takes to EXCEL, to SHINE, to SUCCEED, we prefer to cover up under layers of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, insecurities and a sense of unworthiness.

Throughout our lives, we have become so accustomed to our layers, that we keep them comfortably wrapped around us, that we forget about our TRUE powers, our INNATE creativity and avoid listening to our soft intuitive voice showing us the way.

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”

— Michelangelo

Michelangelo did not see a rough marble block when he started creating his masterpiece – the David. He saw the angel underneath and just started chipping away all the layers, all the heavier rocks and rough bits that hid the masterpiece, as he worked to reveal the real beauty within.

If you dare to look inside at who you really are and take away all the layers that sometimes make life so ‘heavy’, your actual MASTERPIECE will be revealed – ready to SHINE and for ALL to see and ENJOY.

Let’s Lead!

Foto by Alexandre Croussette


Executive Coach, Author, Speaker

Liesbeth van der Linden is a global executive coach and Amazon bestselling author who works with multinational companies to help leaders succeed. She has collaborated with major corporations like The Coca-Cola Company and PwC to improve leadership in multicultural teams. Based in Dubai and Hong Kong, she empowers senior leaders to lead successful, fulfilling lives.

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