
What makes you an Effective Leader?

The answer can be found in the ENERGY you bring to your team, the boardroom, and the entire organization.

Your ENERGY is based on how well you understand WHO you really are. Your thoughts and emotions are related to how you see yourself, other people, and what is happening around you. They drive your actions and determine your influence and effectiveness as a leader.

“Know yourself and you will win all battles.”

- Sun Tzu

The less self-aware you are, the more subconscious thoughts and beliefs run the show. Conversely, the more aware you are, the more you are in control and can effectively influence yourself and others and bring productive energy into situations.

How do you measure ENERGY?

Every client I work with takes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, developed by iPEC. The assessment provides insights into how you lead on a typical day and in stressful situations. It measures your ability to lead people, including yourself, to take positive, productive, and sustainable action. It also measures how engaged you are in your current role and tasks. It makes something abstract, like ENERGY, very tangible. The results form the basis for a transformational journey that positively changes your communication and relationships and boosts your effectiveness and influence as a leader.


The most significant shift I see people make is when they break free from the rules and beliefs that have held them back for years based on:

“The way I was taught to do things by others.”

“What I believed a ‘good leader’ is supposed to do.”

“Working hard and making long hours is part of the job.”


“Influencing naturally and authentically.”

“Leading based on what I know rather than what I think I should be doing.”

“Having better relationships and more fun.”

“Feeling less stressed and more grounded.”

“Having more confidence and being more productive.”

Understanding and using your ENERGY effectively creates a leadership style that benefits you, those around you, AND your organization as a whole.

Click HERE if you are interested in taking an Energy Leadership Index Assessment.


Executive Coach, Author, Speaker

Liesbeth van der Linden is a global executive coach and Amazon bestselling author who works with multinational companies to help leaders succeed. She has collaborated with major corporations like The Coca-Cola Company and PwC to improve leadership in multicultural teams. Based in Dubai and Hong Kong, she empowers senior leaders to lead successful, fulfilling lives.

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